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New Prescription
Please check with your pharmacy to see if your prescription has been approved before arriving at the pharmacy. Certain prescriptions are available by written refill only and will only be filled during regular business hours. The office staff will inform you if your pharmacy needs the prescription to be written.

Remember to call us or your pharmacy a week before your prescription is empty, to allow ample time for a refill. We require 24-48 hours to write and/or call in a prescription.

If your current prescription has a refill remaining, call your pharmacy directly and have them fax us a refill request. Some pharmacies have a separate phone line for refills. Narcotic drugs can't be called in. You must have an original prescription to take to the pharmacy.

If you need a refill on your prescription, please call during office hours, between 8:30am – 12:30am and 1:30 pm - 4:30 pm Monday through Friday at 301-312-6547.

To facilitate efficient handling, please provide us with:

  • Your full name
  • The type of medicine(s) you need refilled
  • The Rx number on the bottle
  • The name and phone number of the pharmacy you use